Macintosh LC

What would a Macintosh LC from 1991, with all original software and harware, plus included hypercard 1.5, and quicken + microsoft bundled together. what could that go for on ebay? this thing is in close to mint condition, it sat on a desk for 12 years and was rarely used, will taken care of and it has an included mic, the kind that has the sticky hanger for the side of the computer, never put on, NO STICKY CRAP ALL OVER IT!!! sorry that is hard to come by with some of these older machines
You have a great machine there. I have ten that are still working smoothly. (I work in a school).
You have several choices. You can try selling it
1) try the classified forum at this site
2) go to: http:/
(they buy)
3) or use ebay and filter through the mooches.
4) donate it to a school - go to
they will match you with a school nearby.
Price: I saw one for $55 that follows your description.

It's a shame you are not closer to me. I'd take it in a heart beat :)
thanks Cheryl. I have it on ebay trying to find a collector or someone who will buy it. I will take your advise if it doesn't sell i'll just donate it to a school.
The general rule is: Buy it new, between $2000-3000 and guaranteed in 5-10 years that computer is worth $50.00. I sold my Mac SE (should have kept it!) to a school for $50.00 in 1996 and the thing was $3,000 originally. This rule seems to hold true over and over again.
A computer is like a car. The depreciation is brutal. Remember that is just a mass of little chips, wires and plastic.
My dad got my iMac for $300, and he got an upgraded 7300 400 Mhz G3 from his friend for $300 as well. I could probably get $200-300 for this computer, as well, if I were to sell it (which would cause my family to kill me and bury me under Redmond, but that's not the point).

However, all these machines have G3 processors. I'd say you could get (in the range of) $200-300 for a non-tower-with-handles G3, $400 for a blue G3, $500-1000 for G4's, and $100 or less for anything pre-G3.