MacOS 10.1 update cd to full install


Hey guys, I just wanted to say Hello... I am new to the Mac world... I just bought my first iMac (Blueberry) and it's already causing me headaches.:p :confused:

My question involves that infamous hack for the 10.1 update. The instructions I found involve creating that copy using OS X. I have 9.2.2. The Burn Image option under Disc Copy does not show up. Is there a way to make this hack using OS 9.2.2. And if so could someone kindly explain how because I am totally lost. Thanx for any help in advance.

Still no luck using OS 9.2.2. I'm going to try something I read here on the boards using Nero on a PC. Any help would still be appreciated.

You want to explain exactly what you want to do.

You can create a copy of OS X using disk copy and selecting create image.
Well its around the net and some of it on these boards.

There is a way to make the update cd for X 10.1 to a Full install. You have to remove a certain file. The instructions on the net they are using OSX to make the hack, which seems kinds redundant since its suppose to be able to skip having to install X 10.0. Anyways, Using OSX there is a Burn Image option on Disc Copy, but on OS 9.2.2 there is not. So I can't perform the hack. If I have to install OS X to make the hack, it kinds defeats the purpose. Any help again would be appreciated.

Is anyone out there interested on how I made out?

Is there anyone out there in the same boat I am and need the same help?

If there is... reply to this thread so I can get an idea of how many people needed the help.

With the time you've vested in figuring out this hack as you call it, you can save yourself the time and energy by purchasing 10.2. If you do need OS 10.1.x at a reduced rate get yourself on eBay, I'm sure there are multiple copies up for sale cheap! PS you may get a better response posting X questions in the OS X forum...

I don't think you can burn a bootable OSX from OS9. I have spent a lot of time trying to do that with no success.

The quickest way to get what you want would be to install OSX somewhere and boot from it...then use Disk Copy to make an image of the 10.1 updater CD (the image must be Read/Write). Delete the file you are alluding to, and then use Disk Copy to burn the image to a CD-R.

Matt, that is exactly what I wanted to know. After many hours or trying I did come to the conclusion that it cannot be done on os 9. But I was able to do it using my PC by using cdrwin, bin2iso, transfer the file to the mac, remove the file(windows cannot read HFS+), tranfrer the file back to the PC, and burn it with Nero using Burn Image with HFS settting. I finally got it and I Have X on my machine. Thanks Matt.
