MacOS X Server speed & robustness...



Can anyone who has experienced MacOS X Server tell me how it compares in speed, robustness & stability versus AppleShare IP 6 or Windows2000 Server ?

Dear All,

First, I must point out that I can't compare MacOS X to Windows 2000 Server as I don't have it.
Second, I have used both AppleShare IP (ASIP) and MacOS X Server (MacXS), and here is what I have found.

1. Both applications are very rebusted. I think that MacXS is better as the kernel is based on Unix, and we all know about that.

2. MacXS offers more features like QuickTime Streaming Server and Perl, CGI, SQL and PHP support.

3. ASIP use to crash once in a while, while I changed a few settings, which pissed me off a bit. MacXS is very stable. Set it up and it stays up. Since the software update (10.1.4) 12 days ago, the server has been up that long without needing a restart.

4. Speed? Many factors and variables to consider here. ASIP was quicker in feel when using it in the Finder, but do remember that ASIP is a Classic application. Apple literture says that MacXS is faster when copying files to anf from the server, but in my opinion, it's about the same.

5. Accessibility. On MacXS, Apple, Windows, Unix, and Linux users can access the server and use it services. ASIP can only be access via a Mac or PC.

Read the data sheets from the Apple website and then decide which one suits you. To be pushed to find ASIP on the selve nowadays.

Good luck:D
Can't comment directly on OS X Server, but my pseudo-server running on the OS X client version doing both Web and Carracho running without a hiccup; last time I checked, uptime was about 23 days with reasonable usage.

At work, I manage a mini-farm of Windows 2000 servers and while they are extremely stable and reasonably fast for network and Internet servers, you do have to reboot every few weeks if you want to keep up with the security updates from Microsoft.

Having said that, I've got an internal SQL server which has been up for at least 4 months with reasonably heavy usage from complementary IIS server.


Originally posted by rpalladino

Can anyone who has experienced MacOS X Server tell me how it compares in speed, robustness & stability versus AppleShare IP 6 or Windows2000 Server ?
