Macos10.3 internal modem issues


I know nobody uses dial up any more but I use it when I travel. Yesterday I logged off(iBook G4 10.3) the internet and turned off the computer in the prescribed way. Today I attempted to get on the internet ( dial up ) and I get a message that says "The selected communication device does not exist. Please verify your settings and try again." When I opened system prefs>network, I find that "Built-in Ethernet" is the top selection and there is a check mark in the box. On this panel is says to drag the configuration into the order you want to try them when connecting to the network. I did drag "internal modem" to the top but it will not let me put a check in the box to select modem. When I look at the Network Setup Assistant panel, the selection I need is dimmed, not selectable. Keep in mind that there were no user selectable settings changed. I just logged off yesterday and rebooted and tried to connect today.
I finally went through the whole setup, rebooted and was able to get hooked up.
Later when I did shut down I decided to check and see if all my settings were still good. Re-started the computer and tried to connect. Same problem. Went to system pref>network. Built-in-Ethernet was again selected. Now I am wondering about my ISP (AT&T Worldnet) and V90/V92 issues.
Any related info would be appreciated, Marv