hates me at home.


Ok here's my setup. PowerBook 667, 10.2.3 with wireless DSL signal coming to my airport card. No big deal. Well lately I have been unable to access I've tried every browser and they all seem to not be able to find it. So i turn off the built in firewall and still no go. I can get to anyplace else on the net but no


Please help.

scottw has been working on improving our server service. in the process, some glitches have occurred. everyone has been experiencing slight time outs over the weekend. once things are worked out, our databases should be more secure. so don't worry, it's not just you.
Ohh ok. I just thought it was me. Since i was blocked at home and then got to work and it worked fine.

Thanks for the update ed.

What we have been doing to improve the server, should not affect your ability to get to the server. Can you ping our IP. I bet it's a DNS related issue.

Try pinging..., then try
In OS X pull up a terminal window...

Type "ping"

type "ping"

If the first one says "Timeout" or "unable to resolve name" then you have a DNS issue. If the second one works, then have a connection to our server, just need to use a different DNS server. If the second one doesn't work, then you should contact your ISP and ask why you can't get to that address.

I think it's a DNS thing. Do i have to contact my service provider then? Maybe i can steel setting off my roomates computer. I have an airport so i didn't configure anything. I just started browsing.


Ohh and tornado season isn't far away. I was hoping for winter first but i think we skipped winter in MN. Only 7 inchesof snow so far :(
It worked fine again monday night. But i'm going to remember this stuff when i get locked out again. I think it's my ISPs fault.
