macosx website and gallery


Finally I decided to use the email/web services of and now I realize I simply have no clue about website hosting and developing and everything else that comes with it.
My questions:
How do I prepare a website, upload and keep it up2date for free? Remember: have no clue about anything, so the easier the better.
How do I automatically upload iphoto pics to that site? Again, a freeware solution is desired and if possible, a solution where I simply have to choose the pics in iphoto and press a button to upload them. :)

Ok, seems I am not lucky again.
Software (plug-in for iphoto) installed fine. Went to and pressed Start edit gallery. Worked fine (got 2 mins). Went to edit my account. I have to type a login and a password which doesn'T work. I tried all combinations, but I simply can't log in. So, I just pressed cancel and suddenly I was in the gallery. Pressed login and somehow I managed to type a new password and got an email. After that it appeared that things were ok. So, I tried the upload option for iphoto. The account was recognized and logged on. Fine! Tried to add a new album and suddenly there was an error reported (something like 501). Ok, I thought maybe this has something to do with those 2mins. Logged in again on and started edit gallery. Tried again to setup an album over the iphoto plugin, but it didn't work; same error. Ok, I just skipped setting up an album and tried to upload a pic. It was showing me the progress banner, but didn't move at all. I actually picked one pic reduced to 800x600 and I was waiting for more than 10mins maybe. Am on DSL here..
Beside that, I have no write access on my webspace. Is that ok so? :) I even tried all folders. Mounted the volume over safari and the finder.

Btw, I still can't login over and -> Edit. Which login is that??? None of the login password combinations worked. :(
Thanks Bob, but no luck. :( Even tried Administrator and administrator with both passwords..
Should I message Scott?
Ufff not even Plesk login works (not sure if it ever did). It says another person with the same login is already logged in. I logged out from and this was the only place I logged in. Brrrrrrrrrr. Darn!
POP and SMTP work just fine and ftp login works as well, beside that it's really slow and I can't write anything anywhere.
Once more: thanks Bob.
And thanks Michael. Gonna check one by one to see which costs the least clicks to publish the site. ;)