Macs vs. PC's in Professional Settings (Advertisement)

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
In a recent Canon DV Camera Advertisement... they showed off their products... and next to them was a monitor of some sort...

well, just look at the attachment to see (and read) what i have written...

i think it's cool that they promote the mac as the one and only in professional video editing :D


  • apple-for-pros.jpg
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Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
In a recent Canon DV Camera Advertisement... they showed off their products... and next to them was a monitor of some sort...

well, just look at the attachment to see (and read) what i have written...

i think it's cool that they promote the mac as the one and only in professional video editing :D

Why didn't Canon just let Apple 15" - 23" LCD replaced those crappy and running VPC (because I saw XP logo).
Yeah, this means very little. Canon is NOT a big Mac fan. They have the worst Mac support I've ever SEEN. I think they just liked the look of the monitor, and decided "Hey, no one knows what a Mac looks like so we'll just put Windows on it instead!" :)

I hate Canon.
umm... just because they put the xp logo on there doesn't mean anything... i have lots of hardware here that has the Mac logo on it but it's just meaning it works with it...
Yeah, this means very little. Canon is NOT a big Mac fan.

They support the Mac just as much as Epson, Agfa, HP or UMAX do. Could they do a better job? Sure, all of the aforementioned could. But compare their support with companies like Logitech, Creative, Maxtor, etc. All of these companies sell products that are used by thousands of Mac users, but we don't get even a "compatible with mac" on the box, let alone drivers. Canon, while a little slower than Epson and HP with scanner drivers, at least has some available and are currently working to make them better.
I think this fits in perfectly here :D
I was in my local Border's books store and while I was waiting in line to pay for a book, I saw this "PC medic" soft of magazine that is made for IT people who fix PCs and so on. Guess what kind of a computer graced the cover:p --- It was an old PowerMac (desktop), with an apple monitor and keyboard :p -- of course all apple markings were digitally removed :p
LOL don't you just hate when they do that? Like they KNOW how cool Apple is but they just can't bear to admit it? I'd say, just shut up and AGREE for once that Apple is a cool company instead of trying to "digitally remove" all markings of their presence from the computers. Ugh.
I hate is when TV shows like put a big flower sticker over the Apple logo on the back of an old iBook.

Oh and by the way; if that pic that bling posted went all the way down the video camera food chain, it would include this:


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Originally posted by serpicolugnut

They support the Mac just as much as Epson, Agfa, HP or UMAX do. Could they do a better job? Sure, all of the aforementioned could. But compare their support with companies like Logitech, Creative, Maxtor, etc. All of these companies sell products that are used by thousands of Mac users, but we don't get even a "compatible with mac" on the box, let alone drivers. Canon, while a little slower than Epson and HP with scanner drivers, at least has some available and are currently working to make them better.

Serpico, the point I'm getting at is that Canon DOESN't support OS X. My scanner (an N650U) has some horrible drivers for OS 9, and is 100% incompatible with OS X. 100%. Canon's newest drivers for X don't support the two most popular scanners they make, the N650 and the N1220... now, you have to admit that's a bit stupid. Their printer software is *cough* amateur at best, considering how long it took them to have OS X drivers ready--even the OS 9 Canon printer dialog box looks like it's from ClarisWorks or something; all black and white with some of the dumbest-looking icons I've ever seen (and you have YOUR CHOICE (!!!) of Good, Better or Best quality!! WOW!)

So... after a year and a half of promising OS X support for my scanner (which I bought knowing full well that at the time it was the most popular Canon scanner on the market), they released drivers in February supporting a few--only two or three--of their newer scanners. They say N1220 support will be available next week (presumably 650 support "coming soon")--well, guess what, it's the end of May and there's still no scanner support. Canon was supposed to have drivers ready at the launch of the PB! Grrrr....

Epson's drivers aren't perfect, but they work. HP's OS X support is AMAZING (I have an HP printer now instead of a Canon), and (I don't know about UMAX), but Agfa is supposed to have the best OS X support in the industry--too bad they don't make scanners anymore, or I'd buy one.

As for your other point, Creative isn't a big Mac supporter, you're right--but Logitech sure is. It took them a bit to get drivers ready, but their drivers are VERY good. The difference is that in OS X you really don't need drivers nearly as much as you do in OS 9 (and the OS 9 drivers have been out for ages)... so I never saw it as a problem.. but Logitech fully supports my mouse (a "2.5"-button with two lasers--MouseMan Dual Optical, I think it's called)...

Maybe this will clear up what I was trying to say a bit more.