MacUser Stays With Mac

Sometimes Herve is like an egyptian glyph :p
No one knows what the heck he is taking about... I wonder if there is a rosetta stone out there for hervean:p
could this be herve's way of saying he likes better than

"cliches, good ways.
to say what you mean,
mean what you say.."
-Jimmy Buffet
leave it to the psychologist in training to point it out ;) -- it could be... 3 months and I stilll have not decyphered herve... :p
Actually, he is really applying for the volunteer position that answers all hard questions no one else knows. See, making as much sense as he does, answering those hard questions should be cake.

Take this example...

Question from User: When I click on the moon, my computer dials but doesn't connect. Can you help me?

Herve's Answer: Just dial the moon under edit.

I never would have thought of such an insightful answer.

Admin, that is just sidesplitingly funny :p
I would have never imagined wha a "ah;f moon" is.. I had to visualize my OPS X desktop :p