Racer D
hello all
I did this scriptie to easily close the finder and dock (it actually closes it, not relaunches) as they eat my ram
and said I'll post it here, might be usefull for you guys 
It's made in applescript, but runs as an application.
But everything ain't so easy
You will have to open it with script editor and type in your admin password in order to use this
Use at your own risk, don't blame me if you loose your Finder.app or Dock.app
keep it in your script menu as you can't run it otherwise with finder and dock closed
A quick explanation what it does:
It renames the .app and closes it, so it can't reopen as it does not find it by the right name. The open renames it back and opens it
[edit: uploaded new version that stays open, so atleast you keep the menubar alive
I did this scriptie to easily close the finder and dock (it actually closes it, not relaunches) as they eat my ram

It's made in applescript, but runs as an application.
But everything ain't so easy

Use at your own risk, don't blame me if you loose your Finder.app or Dock.app
keep it in your script menu as you can't run it otherwise with finder and dock closed
A quick explanation what it does:
It renames the .app and closes it, so it can't reopen as it does not find it by the right name. The open renames it back and opens it
[edit: uploaded new version that stays open, so atleast you keep the menubar alive