Magics of Preview



I noticed that Preview in OSX has a feature that slighly blurs images it shows. Allthough I found this feature a bit odd, it did wonders with pictures taken from my 1 megapixel cam.

I tried doing someting similar in photoshop (different types of blur, etc), but I did not achive the same result.

Anyone have a clue what preview does with pictures?
Preview uses anti-aliasing, it smoothes edges and curves of images. It usually only does it when a picture is smaller or larger than its actual size (if you put it to its actual size the anti-aliasing won't take effect).

Photoshop doesn't have this feature as it is for editing images, where Preview only does it to display your images.

Yeah... Though, you have to admit, it would be nice if Photoshop had this feature, so you could up-scale things without fear of over-blurring or keeping jaggies... for those times when you get an image that is only so-so, but you still want to use.