Mail App send button



I just updated to 10.1.5, and was composing a new mail message in the Mail app. Once the message was finished, I went to click on the "send" button, only to find that it has gone.

I went browsing in the menu for the send command, which has a keboard shortcut, but this seems a little counter-intuitive for me. Since I have ADSL it is no problem dong this for every message, but it would be nicer to have a send or queue button on the message, like in Entourage. When using a dialup it would be much nicer to queue all the messages and then connect and send them all at once.

Am I missing something?

Uh, in my Mail app, the send button is a little paper airplane. If yours isn't there, I'm sure you can customize the toolbar to put it back. (It's there by default, IIRC).

I haven't seen an option to queue mail for sending, but then again I haven't really looked hard for it. I don't have a problem with it at all, even using dial up. But I'm also not sending any attachments, which may make your life a living, uh, heck. ;)

One thing to note -- I haven't upgraded to 10.1.5 yet, so I could be talking through my hat here...