Mail attachments :(


Is it just me or are attachments REALLY difficult to come by in Mail. Now I know you can double click it and open it in the relevant App --- but what if the file's a tgz/tar.gz, for example??? In that case, it just expands it in the /Library/Mail/POP:..../INBOX.../ directory.

Has anyone found a sensible way of getting at mail attachments? (Hell, even Outlook Express makes that easy!)

... that's what I thought (first thought, in fact :)) ... unfortunately, it copied it as a "unnamed textclipping" or something - not the actual file itself :(

But thanx for the insight ;)

it depends on which pane you drag it from:

It either works from the preview pane or the message pane, not both. I can never remember which.

Hope that this helps.

... I only tried it from the one - I'll try it from both next time :)



(I'd still prefer a context menu option like there is in almost every other mail client, tho, I have to say.)
I just found this forum tonight out of frustration...I don't know if I feel better or worse;)
I've just switched over from OS 9.0 to 10.2.1 and while I love it, the Mail program has been giving me fits. I can't open many attachments sent to me: A ppd file, a .pub file, a Zip file. All of these would have opened great on my old 9 for MacLink always kicked in to open things. I believe it's not available for OS x.
I'm wondering if I shouldn't forget this Mail program and go with a stand alone like Eudora.
I've also gotten gibberish when I've opened attachments.
Is anyone using Eudora and OS X? And does it work well?
Appreciate any comments or suggestions.
I just found this forum tonight out of frustration...I don't know if I feel better or worse;)
I've just switched over from OS 9.0 to 10.2.1 and while I love it, the Mail program has been giving me fits. I can't open many attachments sent to me: A ppd file, a .pub file, a Zip file. All of these would have opened great on my old 9 for MacLink always kicked in to open things. I believe it's not available for OS x.
I'm wondering if I shouldn't forget this Mail program and go with a stand alone like Eudora.
I've also gotten gibberish when I've opened attachments.
Is anyone using Eudora and OS X? And does it work well?
Appreciate any comments or suggestions.
Originally posted by LordCoven
(I'd still prefer a context menu option like there is in almost every other mail client, tho, I have to say.)

I right click and choose 'save attachment'. Then choose the desktop and i'm all good.

I second that. When in doubt a right-click (control-click for the button-challenged) does the trick. Of course there's also a "Save Attachments..." command in the File menu, which is easy to miss if you don't look for it.
How do you open .pub files with MacLink, bearpaw45 ?

A ppd file, a .pub file, a Zip file. All of these would have opened great on my old 9 for MacLink always kicked in to open things.
All I know is when I had MacLink on my old computer, no matter what documents I tried to open, it would translate it and open it up automatically.

BTW, I did go ahead and upgrade to Eudora since I've used it for years but was disappointed in its dated look and feel. All these years and it's pretty much the same.
But, I really enjoy the Mail program and find it easy and fun to use. Attachments haven't been a problem lately and I supposed I can always fall back on Eudora is I need it for that.
Happy New Year to all.