mail drawer "problem"


i use mail to connect to my schools imap server for my email. a couple of problems...

1 - the drawer lists ALL of the folders and files in my home directory (its a unix system).

2 - when it looks for new email, it searches each of these folders for new mail.

so i'm wondering if i can make it not display my entire directory and make it not search everything for new mail.

here is a screenshot so you know what i'm trying to say...

Originally posted by cf25
i use mail to connect to my schools imap server for my email. a couple of problems...

1 - the drawer lists ALL of the folders and files in my home directory (its a unix system).

2 - when it looks for new email, it searches each of these folders for new mail.

Chris -

Did you get this worked out? You need to specify an IMAP path in the Advanced tab of the accounts portion of the Mail preferences. Be careful tho, you may prevent your inbox from being displayed.

-- Josh
as of yet, no solution. everything is specified correctly. kind of a bummer for me.

it is a unix system so all my saved mail goes into a mail directory in my home directory. but all my "new" mail is in my inbox which doesnt reside in my home dir till i save it there.

so i get my new mail right by setting the account appropriately. and the mail dir is visible, but so are all the other folders in my home dir. even the hidden ones. annoying.