Mail lost my accounts


I use Mail for my e-mail, and have never had any trouble, until today. I have about 1000 e-mails in there and many of them I need, when I went to check my mail this-morning, Mail said that I had no accounts set up and asked me for all my info to set up an account.

What happened? Why did this happen? Is there a way to get them back? If I just re-enter them will my messages be there from before?

Any help much appreciated.

EDIT--> Also when I turned my mac on today, instead of displaying my wallpaper, it displayed the default Aqua Blue one.
Almost sounds like you have some serious corruption in your user account.

First thing I would do is boot from your OS X installer CD and then run disk utility on it, run first aid and also repair permissions.
Check your folder size of mail in home/Library/. Is it still quite big, then you still have all your mails. Did you simply delete the file in the Preferences folder?
If your mail folder still contain your 1000 mails, you might want to setup a new useraccount and move the mail folder into that account. If things work fine, you should migrate to the fresh user account. If your mail folder is empty, then there is not much you can do.. :(