Mail Templates - Customizing


At my workplace we're trying to figure out a way to have fillable form letters that we can send to students using Mail templates. I've already sorted out how to make my own template in Mail and have a snazzy looking template all set up and ready to go. But the problem comes in when I try to make it so there can be a letter with only a few bits of information that can be edited.

For example, in the sentence "Dear Parent or Guardian of [Student Name]" I want to be able to have "Dear Parent or Guardian of" as part of the template and NOT editable, but have "[Student Name]" as a field that the information can be entered into.

I've tried a [div contenteditable="true"] tag, but it puts in a line break after the field, so the letter ends up looking like weird new-age poetry. I've tried searching google and haven't found any solutions or even stories of other people who have attempted the same thing.

Is there some obvious solution I'm missing here?