Making iTunes work with speakable


Prime Minister
I recently discovered the speech control option in OS X. I downloaded an applescript from Apple's site that's supposed to play a random song when the script is run. I put it in my speakable items folder, and it's recognized, but it won't actually RUN. Does anyone know how I can get iTunes to play a random song when I tell it to? Also, to switch and stop songs? I'd love to be able to sit in bed and say "play music", "next song", "rewind song", etc....but so far, all I can control by voice is opening and hiding iTunes...and the scripts from apple's site just plain won't run. Thanks:)
With speakable Items open say, "Show me what to say." This should open a floating window displaying all speakable commands. There should be an entry for iTunes. If there are no items in there you'll need to look through the iTunes' menus for keyboard commands for the functions you want to control with speech. Then say, "Define a keyboard command" and enter the keystroke that corresponds with the function (ie command + <-- for previous track, or back...).

Also, I don't believe applescripts can be run as speakable items, but I'm not 100% sure about that. I was always under the impression that speakable items must have keyboard equivalents.
i love the mac's speakable items feature.

you do not need any special scripts to say "next song" or "previous song", all you need to do is say "controls menu" then pick one of the options on the menu and say it. this does limit your options to play pause next previous shuffle, repeat one and repeat. but i do feel pretty cool saying "next" and the song switches =)

on a side note, play does not comprehend well with the speakable items at least with my computer.

Still really cool!
i love the mac's speakable items feature.

you do not need any special scripts to say "next song" or "previous song", all you need to do is say "controls menu" then pick one of the options on the menu and say it. this does limit your options to play pause next previous shuffle, repeat one and repeat. but i do feel pretty cool saying "next" and the song switches =)

on a side note, play does not comprehend well with the speakable items at least with my computer.

Still really cool!
also, the speakable items is somewhat unreliable with your music on.