Making Safari Kid Safe...


My mom setup an iMac running OS X.3 at her classroom, and she lets the kids browse the web for study projects on it, only thing is...with Safari there is no way to block the "naughty" stuff. Or is there?

Anybody know of a way to keep the browser (and kids heads) clean?
Have you checked out Bumpercar. It is a browser for kids due to be released soon. Designed for OSX too. I have two kids and the only way I have found to control what they do is to keep an eye on what they are doing. I'm looking forward to bumpercar myself.
lol, then they will become a bunch of unimaginative kids. We all had silly beliefs about adult behavior that just becomes funny as hell when we came of age and was able to understand it.

Seriously, don't they have proxy servers or something that can stop traffic if setup properly?
if you are going to set up a proxy, make sure you find a way to block the 'cached' pages on google, its a sure fast way to get round any bock. Unforturaly my school hasn't relised this yet

go figure :confused:

Why not simply use a browser where parental controls are already built-in, like Explorer? I mean, it's not like they'll know the difference.
I haven't tried it in a while, but the last time I tried turning on Explorer's parental controls (setting up an iMac for my sister's kids) the browser kept crashing while loading pages.
What can you do from the debug menu? I'm not in OS X right now, so I can't tell you anything in it...
Urbansory said:
lol, then they will become a bunch of unimaginative kids. We all had silly beliefs about adult behavior that just becomes funny as hell when we came of age and was able to understand it.

Seriously, don't they have proxy servers or something that can stop traffic if setup properly?

i dont know what your talking about, i was exposed to the good stuff at the age of 5 and i ended up becoming an artist, so whatever ;)