Making transparent images

Ceroc Addict

Feel stupid asking this question, but does anyone have a good way/tool to make transparent images?

I've tried AppleWorks, Graphic Converter and a couple of other tools, but if you look at my avatar (specifically, at the orange bits on the corners), you'll see that I'm not having much luck and it's driving me insane.:(

DanTekGeek said:
i know GIMP can do that, and im sure photoshop can aswell.
Thanks. :)

Finally got around to installing GIMP.

Either the corners of my avatar are now transparent, or else they're just the same color of grey as the forum background :D

Either way, it's all good.

karavite said:
You look great Ceroc! I miss that old face some times :)
Yeah, they really should give users the preference of using it instead of the Apple logo in Tiger (as my own compromise, I use it as my user picture, so it always greets me when I log in :) ).

In old versions of OS X, the loadup screen was a PDF file freely editable in the System folder.

It'd be nice to have the old happy Mac sometimes :P.
texanpenguin said:
In old versions of OS X, the loadup screen was a PDF file freely editable in the System folder.

You're right, though it's not easy to find because it's buried several folders deep. You better make a copy of the original before editing it because it can cause problems down the road after you edit it.
