So, after nearly drilling a screwing through my head attempting to get mysql to install, I stumbled across MAMP. All I had to do was copy it into the Applications folder and it works! I can access its version of mysql, add databases, tables etc..
Great. Now though I would like to be able to interface with the MAMP mysql server through my own c++ code. On the mysql webpage they have a link to mysql++ libraries. Much like everything mysql related I can't seem to get that to install either. Even if I do though, is there something specific I need to do to make code using it talk to the mysql server located in the MAMP folder and not have it searching for something /usr/local?
Pretty much I'm wondering if there is some tutorial I can find that shows me how to install and set up code libraries so that I can write c++ code that talks to my MAMP mysql database.
Any help would be immensely appreciated. Thanks.
Great. Now though I would like to be able to interface with the MAMP mysql server through my own c++ code. On the mysql webpage they have a link to mysql++ libraries. Much like everything mysql related I can't seem to get that to install either. Even if I do though, is there something specific I need to do to make code using it talk to the mysql server located in the MAMP folder and not have it searching for something /usr/local?
Pretty much I'm wondering if there is some tutorial I can find that shows me how to install and set up code libraries so that I can write c++ code that talks to my MAMP mysql database.
Any help would be immensely appreciated. Thanks.