man page binary gone


i have been very stupid.
by accident I have overwritten the man pages binary with a text file, so now I cannot use the man command any longer. Don't ask me how i did it but i did.

Does anyone have an idea how I can get the man binary back (i do not want to reinstall osx)

Or could any one send me their man binary so I can just put it back where it belongs

Two options:

a) download and compile fresh source for man. Shouldn't be all too hard to do...

b) get the man binary off the install CD. Will probably take a while, but ought to work no matter what.
- Pop in the install CD
- in terminal:
cd /
find the man binary - repeat for each package till you find it. BSD.pkg is likely a good place to start.
lsbom "/Mac OS X Install CD/System/Installation/Packages/BSD.pkg/Contents/Resources/" | grep /usr/bin/man
if there is a match
gzcat "/Mac OS X Install CD/System/Installation/Packages/BSD.pkg/Contents/Resources/BSD.pax.gz" | ( sudo pax -r /usr/bin/man )

One word of caution - you probably want to try the last step in your home directory, without the sudo, before doing it with sudo in the / directory, just to make sure it works right - Normally I would say, 'make sure you read the man page for pax first,it's a bit complex', but that's out I guess...