man pages


Official Mac User
how can i scroll inside man pages?
i often use the man command inside the terminal, but i havent yet figured out how to scroll down to read the whole manual :D
man works by processing the particular man page you want to look at, then passes it to the more program, so when reading a man page, you are in more (so you can man more for info on that). Basically, space to scroll down, 'b' to go back, '/' then a string and enter to search for that string.
Man uses the command defined as your 'pager', or more if there is no pager defined. 'less' is a pager that adds a few nice features to eg. man pages - most notably, you can scroll up and down with the arrow keys. If you add to your .tcshrc file the line:

setenv PAGER less

then man will use less to display man pages instead of the default more.