Managing Macs over the internet... with an airport in between, to boot. How?


Alright, here's the setup-
I'm at college and hooked up to the internet through my PowerBook and a T1 line. My parents, at home, share an Airport base station, and connect to the internet via the Airport's modem. The Airport serves an iBook, and a blue G3 connected to it via the Ethernet port.

Now... How do I configure the AirPort so I can connect to the computers from across the internet through the airport base station? Basically, this is to make things easier on my parents so I can give them updates, trash bad preferences, etc... all from my internet connection at the university.

... I think it has something to do with "port-mapping" on the airport... not quite sure though...

Can you ping each others IP addresses?

If the machines can "see" each other over IP, then you are 90% there...
Sorry, can't actually try it now... I'm going back to the university sunday night.... I was hoping to set up this end over here before then.
The real problem here is AirPort..... it's a complication... the middle-man..... as I know that it gives everybody their own address, like or whatever.... and I think the IPs of the comptuers change, too.