Mark Read


Brief rant here as I know of nowhere else to post it other than in all forums..

I frequent many forums, and practically all have an option to 'Mark Read' or 'Mark All Read' or some variation of it. (This one too)
I read and even sometimes respond to postings, but there are always threads I am not interested in.
If I open them, it is apparent that I read it; conversely, if I click the 'Mark All Read', admins and moderators think I read the thread also.
Marking 'Mark All Read' increases the views, which skews the 'popularity' tremendously.
My wish, which does not exist anywhere, is to delete those threads without 'signaling', in any way, that I have read, or even approved, them.

Hope I explained decently. Rant over. On to other forums. :)
Marking 'all read' does not mean you approved the post, just that you looked at it. The assumption is that if there is a comment to be made, i.e. liking a post with thumbs up or not, or posting a rebuttal or agreement, you would do so. The Mark all read just clears your view of all the 'new postings' listed since you last visited.

At least on this site, there is no data collected on what post you read or not. We just have membership count and how many visits to the site in general (members and guests).