Mass Logging In - Logging In All the Kids Under Generic Name


I have a script that is suppose to work with ARD that will log in all the computers under a generic name. It must have an error. Does anyone see it because it doesn't work. Here it is:

osascript <<EOF

set logInUser to "genericname"
set logInPassword to "genericnamepassword"

tell application "System Events"
tell application process "loginwindow"
-- Really, I am not sure if I need all these delays, but
it seemed to help
keystroke logInUser
delay 1
keystroke tab
delay 1
repeat with aChar in characters of logInPassword
keystroke aChar
delay 0.2
end repeat

keystroke return
end tell
end tell

Thank you.

Dennis Ricke
Tech Coordinator
deLacey Family Center/Perry Elem