maths on Newton



I'm looking for a maths program on Newton. That's I'm looking for is something like Mathematica or the TI-89/92, with graphics, complex numbers, ...

If you know a software like this for Newton MessagePad 120,
thank you to post a reply telling me more about it.

-> Happy new year 2002
there is no single one program to do the job, I have several

* Sci calc --> Scientific Calculator
* Hex Dez --> Converter of HEX to Decima to bin and back
* Graphing 101 ( a function grapher)
* iCalc --> Calculator
* convert! --> A good prgram that converts from one unit to another.

Thank you for answering but where can I find them ?

thank you.

PS : are they as complete as I would like (with derivates, primitives, equations solving, differential equations, ...) ?
you can get almost everything newton at :)

I dont think they are as complete as you want them., but it doesnt hurt looking at unna. you might find something u like -- it like a treasure box :)
thank you very much. I'll try them.

Have a nice day (or night?).

PS: I admire you, you know. Often I read messages you posted (and you post a lot). You are everywhere and you are able to speak about anything. I don't know how you do it nor who you are, but thank you anyway. You are very strong, thank you for existing ;)
Originally posted by maccatalan
thank you very much. I'll try them.

Have a nice day (or night?).

PS: I admire you, you know. Often I read messages you posted (and you post a lot). You are everywhere and you are able to speak about anything. I don't know how you do it nor who you are, but thank you anyway. You are very strong, thank you for existing ;)
I think the Frenchy just made a pass at you, Admiral. :eek: