May I start a thread?


What will I get(I am now studying for the university)?
anyways something that is suitable with OSX
a pc empty computercase
a second hand computer (maybe a crt-iMac)
a children computer
a piece of software
a playstation one
an external storage device (like tumbnails)
an mp3 player
a digital camera
a webcam
my own record (at least a buyer)
a computerbook

... must have something to stimulate me after supporting an whole year
For quite some time now I have never been able to understand any single one of your posts/threads.
Originally posted by Trip
For quite some time now I have never been able to understand any single one of your posts/threads.

thought it was JUST ME! ... Ah well, at least i know i still have some sanity!

Is herve and the tree the same person? Bah, guess it doesn't matter seeing as how I couldn't understand any of Herve's threads either. :D
yep they're the same, Herve went to macfora and became tree, then signed up *again* here, as tree. The term "rock power" is the name of the song he made a while ago as a midi, remember? and he posted it again in the music thread as an mp3.
I think tree is trying out new song lyrics on us. Here are sample lyrics from the link he includes in his posts:

Let's the d.j.!
Save me save me save me for my love
save me I may not laugh and love
but love is whole my life
love love love
love is life life life
life and laugh laugh laugh
life and laugh laugh laugh

I sense some similarity between this and his thread-starting post....