MBP Internal Speakers Not Functioning


Hello all,

The internal speakers on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.5.5) are not functioning at all. The 1/8" jack works fine with external speakers and headphones, although there is a red light in the jack when nothing is plugged in. The light does remain turned off for a moment after anything is unplugged, but when I try to raise the volume on my keypad the light returns and the volume indicator displays a gray, not white, speaker with a crossed circle under the volume bars. Can anyone advise me on how to rid my machine of this terrible red light and return audio to my internal speakers? Thanks!
Either repeatedly plug and unplug a headphone jack into the socket, ot gently poke around inside with a match, i think the upper side face of the socket. It is the digital out that you accidentally triggered it and it can be a pain to disable but it is possible, and if you google 'macbook red light' - very common.