Mechanical Hd failure


I previously broke original hd that came with macbook mechanically and I still can't get my head round how this happened. I was crashrunning crossover when this happened, finder just wouldn't respond and hd started clicking.Then I pronounced it dead. The thing is, recently I opened evidently too many windows in Safari and I got a prelude to what happened the time before - I got this "spinning umbrella" pointer and nothing would respond, no pulldown finder options to forcequit etc. Situation resolved itself in about a minute but, prolonged excessive data access to the point of system freeze and continuing, can that damage hd? Was my previous hd damaged this way or did I catch some pc malware causing hd overspin?Or did I?
The Macbooks are famous for failing HDs. I notice most of the time that when they go, they completely go. Either completely dead or clicking usually without too much warning. Seems to be a trend with Macbooks. Usually after their first replacement they are fine, so it tells me its something to do with the Apple supplied drives and Macbooks. The rumor has been its confined to Apple supplied Seagate drives, but I see it with Apple supplied Fujitsu drives as well.

If you are getting an excessive amount of reads when trying to access data from your drive, you may want to consider defragging. There is idefrag or else my preferred method of doing it manually.
That's a bit comforting in a way now that I have a second hd. It's a pity it's still Seagate (ST 9160821AS) but I thought they're good. I would like to thank you for that post (and where's the "thanks" button? , sorry I'm new to any forums). Now that I know it's common thing for macbooks I don't suppose any more a pc malware did that, anyways it was far fetched idea, I mean how do you get a pc virus within HFS, seems unlikely and even more imaginative one hitting to EFI. So basically, you're hinting at "if long reads annoy you, defragment your hd" implying "you may get that system freeze but that's ok.", if I got my impression right.This leaves out to one last scenario: overheating. And again, where's the "thanks" button?