Medal of Honor (cheats wanted)


OS X Jaguar
No game section? :(

guess I'll post here... ?

Need some cheats, Im stuck on a level... help!

mainly, I need more ammo and weapons. to get through a tough level.

voice-, unless my eyes have completely failed, there is a link that says: "For a detailed list of hints and cheats click here" right there at the top of the page.
For all your desires in FAQs, Walkthroughs, Cheats, Hints, Lists, ... go to ... They have everything for PC but most cheats work with Mac too and all walkthroughs do too (naturally).

dlloyd, those cheats were for windows, included adding stuff to an alias and none of them gave extra ammo...
Originally posted by voice-
dlloyd, those cheats were for windows, included adding stuff to an alias and none of them gave extra ammo...
Okay, my bad!
But really, is there no way to do something similar using the terminal?
there probably is something equal you can do in the terminal, but how many would wanna start that up every time they launch a game. Besides, they stopped working at version 1.1, so I guess this is an irrelevant situation anyways...

kjetil, I didn't know megagames did Mac stuff...