Melissa virus, any Mac danger for Word files I need?


In debt medical student
I need a Word file a friend of mine has that I KNOW is infected with the Melissa virus. I am under the impression that this is only a problem on Windows machines. If I open it with Word X will I be OK? I don't think he has the technical skills to detoxify the thing, so if it is a problem is there anything I can do on the Mac to cleanse it?
No, it can't hurt your system, but it can stay with the document (and copies of it) that can then infect other Windows computers. The best thing you can do is get his system clean first (or have him turn the document into a text-only file), but any Office doc that can carry a macro has the ability to carry the virus with it.
rtf will support some of the formatting, and does not carry macro viruses. ... I hate microsoft.