memory issue


I notice that majority of my memory is used just doing regular activities , like browsing and listening and using itunes... right now while type this i have 5MB free.. is this a problem or is it normal..
thanks sorry for the newbie question but thats what i am :)
How are you measuring memory usage. Are you using the "top" command. If you are reading off the display from top, then I can tell you that this is pretty much normal. Mac OS X uses up a lot of memory, and gives applications as much memory as is available. That's just the way it works.
I know I was a little unsettled when I first saw that Mail and IE were together using about 90% of my RAM, but I've since come to realise that this is pretty much normal for most apps, and they seem to perform very well, anyway.
This is just the way OS X utilizes ram. It's supposed to get you the most bang for your buck. Don't worry about it at all.
