met a apple graphic designer today.....

she teaches at the university of kansas now.... she designed the box for the ipod and she said that unlike other companys apple did not have boards who decided what to do. she told me the hierarchy of apple consists of steve(god) then everybody else who follows what he wants....

instead of pitching her idea's to a board of designers at apple she talked to ONLY steve... and he made the desition of weather she got her job or not... also apple aparently uses the best photography that money can buy.

when questioned about future apple hardware she declined to comment.... even though i beged :p :D
It's obvious that they use the best photographers. ;) Those pics of their computers are beautiful. :D
University of Kansas? Lawrence is only 2 hours from here. That's not too bad of a drive for a little bit of info :)
Alright, who is going up there with me? We shall kidnap her and make her talk! And end all these rumours in here on when the new generation chips are coming! lol...