Micosoft and IE 5.1 for osX question


OS X Jaguar
I would like to know... if Microsoft supports the Mac so much, WHY dont they offer the latest version of IE for osX on their site for downloading?

they offer it for 9, but NOT X... all they do is say "its on the X cd"... which you cant install alone... without osX....


beats me...
Here's why.

1. They hate us. They say they don't, but they do.

2. They are bastards. Every last scumsucking, money-grubbing, bad-software-making one of them.

3. They are idiots. Look at IE. Look at how slow it is. It's crap. The only reason anyone uses it on OS X is because most of the other browsers are also crap.

Given all those, maybe you should try Mozilla or something. Get the Pinstripe theme, it rocks. :D

-the valrus
Get Pacifist. It's an OS X package viewer. With it, you can *EASILY* browse through the OS X .pkg file (or any other) and pick and choose individual components to your heart's content. As for MS, I have no idea why they don't make IE 5.x available for Mac OS X via download, although I would suspect that ~sixty seconds of hacking, in the right place, would convert 5.1 Classic to 5.1 Carbon. If you can't find Pacifist on http://www.versiontracker.com or http://www.download.com, let me know and I'll get the installer to you. Lastly, IE 5.1 is my default browser because of stability, but Mozilla is wonderful, and the multithreading in OmniWeb makes it the most promising browser out there for OS X. I have six on my machine and regularly choose one over the others based on features/performance versus the task at hand.
Question: anything about IE.

Answer: Check out other browsers (omniweb, mozilla, chimera, icab, opera, etc.)

Ive got opera and omniweb, but.... Im use to IE..... I used netscape for years, until aol took it over.... then I went to IE.

I like IE.... it feels solid... rarely crashes on me...

It does have bugs.... like, I cant click on a link and have the download start! I have to option click and choose from popup menu.. :(

also, any downloads that take me to a cgi or pgp script, I cant seem to download at all..

I use opera then for downloading. pain in the A$$

Microsoft has all these "mac" divisions in the company.... and all these people supposedly working on the mac platform...

you would think they would fix IE bugs for X, and office it on their site for dl'ing...
Has anyone had their IE to freeze up in X? If I force quit the app it sits there, after a second force quit it disappears, but I have to restart if i want to use it again. Sometimes it crashes the entire system, once the finder didn't want to respond. Things like this drive me back into 9 to do my professional work, although X is nice, actually finishing work is so much more rewarding.I think i need to reinstall my X partition, start all over fresh and clean.