Has anybody ever gotten a regular (non-USB) external microphone to work with their G4 ???
Dekatophil Registered Jun 21, 2002 #1 Has anybody ever gotten a regular (non-USB) external microphone to work with their G4 ???
bobw The Late: SuperMacMod Jun 21, 2002 #2 I use the Apple Plaintalk mic that came with my 6500 on my G4. Works fine.
Dekatophil Registered Jun 21, 2002 #3 Do you use it with OS X or 9 ? I try to get it to work under X. Even though I select the correct input source (in the speech system preference panel).
Do you use it with OS X or 9 ? I try to get it to work under X. Even though I select the correct input source (in the speech system preference panel).
bobw The Late: SuperMacMod Jun 21, 2002 #4 It shows in the preference, but I haven't used it in OS X.