Microsoft Office for Mac/lost mailboxes and documents in Hard Drive


I have an iMac G3 (white) OS 9 - OS X 10.3.9 600MHz POWERPC 256 MB SDRAM with Panther

Last night I tried to install Microsoft Office for Mac, I only clicked on the 'install' icon................
- it seemed like nothing was did not install
- then my desktop icons of saved items disappeared showing only my Hard Drive icon and the Microsoft Office for Mac disk icon,
- all my 'documents' in my HD were gone (they have got to be there somewhere, I did not delete anything)
- and my three mailboxes were gone. I called earthlink and reinstalled 1 mailbox
- My desktop had reverted back to just the blue swirly background I do still have my OS 10.3.9 and of course, the internet.
- I have a '?' question mark in my dock where my mail icon should be (the little postage stamp with an eagle on it)
- and another '?' mark where my iChat icon should be

please, please, please, please help me?

All this stuff is in my Mac somewhere, I just know it. (I hope anyway):(
wither your HD is corrupted(replace it)

or you computer needs cleaned.

is there a lot of dust in the envrioment aorund you computer?

do you clean you computer often
"- I have a '?' question mark in my dock where my mail icon should be (the little postage stamp with an eagle on it)
- and another '?' mark where my iChat icon should be"

It sounds like those applications have been deleted. Can you still launch them from the applications folder?