Microsoft Office Problems


Hi all,

I know this expected when using Microsoft Products, but i'm annoyed beyond belief.

I just wrote a 14 page research paper for one of my classes, which contained Excel graphs of some data analysis I had been doing. I also had to give a presentation. However, when I went to print the paper out in a computer lab on campus, NONE of the excel graphs show up (just the foolish red and white microsoft X). However, i've looked at the doc on 4 different macs, and the graphs show up. I put the graphs in the docs by copying them from excel and chooising paste special--> as picture. I have NEVER had this problem when using Office for PC. Does anyone have any ideas? I was led to believe that the mac/pc file format is the same now.

I really would use openoffice if i could, but there's even more incompatability there, especially with spreadsheets.

Sorry for the rant :)
