Microsoft plans Office v.X bug fixes

The scary thing is that people are using Microshaft software, knowing that they produce buggy software on a regular basis!

Isn't that one of the reasons for a PC owner to want to get away from Winblows?
Yeah, but to many MS users, and especially Windows users, MS is the only thing they know, therefor it is the best, and the crashes and bugs aren't MSs fault, it's a fact of life and happens with any app...many don't even know there's an alternative.
When Office is the standard for the U.S. and probably the world, there is no other choice. Maybe if Apple Works offered compatability with Office documents there would be some competition on the Mac, but when everything I submit for school (or any other project) has to be in either Word or Excel format, there is no alternative. And I really don't have a problem with Office, it's always been a great bundle of software, IMO.
The latest Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X AppleWorks updates provide even better saving and opening of MS Office Documents. I've been able to open and save .doc and the excel files from AW. The only thing it doesn't do is PowerPoint presentation conversion for the AppleWorks presentation slide show thingy. Maybe in AppleWorks 7?
Originally posted by themacko
When Office is the standard for the U.S. and probably the world, there is no other choice. Maybe if Apple Works offered compatability with Office documents there would be some competition on the Mac, but when everything I submit for school (or any other project) has to be in either Word or Excel format, there is no alternative. And I really don't have a problem with Office, it's always been a great bundle of software, IMO.

What dricci said. AppleWorks has always been able to export to MS Word formats since version 5.0 (I believe version 6.0 didn't – not 6.x.x – but we're past that version). :D

I must say, though, AppleWorks 6.2.4 feels very much like a quick port rather than a well-done application like MS Office v.X. I just hope AppleWorks 7 takes away that bad feeling.
I haven't even used AW 6.2.4 yet. I have it installed at home, but I rarely use any office apps at home.

What makes it feel like a quick port?
Well, I meant the AppleWorks 6.x.x version in general feels like a quick port.

Slow scrolling, no support for sheets or long filenames, doesn't obey the dock positioning, no anti-aliased text, etc, etc.

It's just a build-up of little things that should be fixed in OS X that just aren't.
Wow, I didn't realize that AppleWorks can save to Word format ... When I first got my Mac it came with AW and I tried it out for a while, but I ended buying Office 2001.

Now that I've got Office v.X, there's no real reason to use Apple Works, but I'll definately give it a try if/when Apple releases a 'good' OS X version.

Did I understand you correctly and Apple Works can open/save in Excel format as well?
Ahh. I'm not familiar with any version of AW other than 6.2.2.

So it's kind of like me saying that OS X works great on my roommate's G3 iMac -- since I have nothing to compare against (other than the dark side (gasp!)) it seems to run fine.
macko, please tell me you got some sort of edu-ma-cational discount... I'd hate to think of someone paying $475 for something that they didn't need. Of course, I'm sure you'd hate it more... :)