Microsoft suffering at hands of Linux


Colonel Panic
LOL, he alsmost sounds like he was doing a Switch ad:

"Windows is a lousy platform," said Petitjean [...] "It's just not reliable enough." [...] "We want to offer software that's simple to set up and help companies run their businesses without them having to become computer gurus," said Petitjean, who was wearing a "Linux Rocks" t-shirt.

Well I know one uniX OS that's simple to set up and reliable! ;)
Well, the ad seems to point to their sales in certain markets slipping, but perhaps it's an exaggeration to say that they're SUFFERING... :D
I always love reading tech-related articles in non-tech-related publications. This one's chock full of sentences like:

"Linux started out in 1991 as a project by University of Helsinki student Linus Torvalds to teach himself how to program a version of the two-decade-old Unix operating system used to run powerful computers called servers."

Servers, or "big computers" as they're known in the industry, are run using a technology known as "electricity". Many servers attach to specialized viewing apparatus similar to cube-shaped picture boxes, also known as "television" to the tech-savvy.

"I'm not sure what they do" said little Billy O'Toole, our technical correspondant, "but they're really big and loud. And I bet they cost a billion kajillion dollars!" :rolleyes: