Migrating 10.2 mail into 10.4



I've recently upgraded our server from 10.2 to 10.4, the first upgrade of which failed resulting in the mail server refusing to enable either imap or pop collection and various other oddities. One fresh install later and it's all up and running. All i need to do is migrate the old email database. However when i select it in the server admin-mail-maintenance-migrate dialogue it can't find any emails. I know the old database is fine because before this install i did a test install using an external drive earlier in the same day and it all imported fine. The only thing i can think that i've done differently this time is i think i migrated them before importing the users that time. Should that make a difference? Is there a particular time you have to perform the migration to get it to work?

I have done this previously and I had migrated the users before migrating the email accounts. Did that work for you previously? Also, how are you moving the AppleMailServer itself?

Go3iverson said:
I have done this previously and I had migrated the users before migrating the email accounts. Did that work for you previously? Also, how are you moving the AppleMailServer itself?


i'm not moving the mail server, i'm not sure what you mean there. I've got a clone copy backup of the server's drive before i reformatted it. However when i got to migrate the old email and select the directory with the old database in it it fails to find any users or mail. I installed the server software on an old G3 imac i had lying around and first thing after it installed i went to mail migrate and selected the same directory as i used on the actual server (it's on an external disk) and it worked fine and migrated all the mai lto that server. I eventually tried manually copying /var/imap and /var/spool/imap over to the server, repairing the database in the maintenace window which showed the right size database in the dialogue. However logging in to a users email shows all the emails in the right directories but if you try to open them they show as blank emails with no addresses or subjects.

Sorry, I think I may be missing the steps that you took to perform this. It sounds like you moved the server info to a firewire disk, which is fine and then reimported it using the GUI to the new server, so I assumed that the mail info was cloned/backed up/moved between machines/drives/systems to accomplish this. :)

I'm assuming that you have 10.2.8 fully updated and you are migrating from that release?

When I've done this in the past, I usually start out by migrating the 10.2 user account information to 10.4. I then test that out to be sure that all of the proper bits are in place for that, since user login/info/etc is the most fundamental part you'll need.

I'd then archive the /Library/AppleMailServer/ files to an external disk of some sort.

Then, without having started the new mail server service, I'd move the database in /Library/AppleMailServer/ again and use Server Admin's Migration tool. You could do this from the firewire disk, but this is just how I've done it. Just a note, I have seen it where the migrate all function has produced sporadic results. You may want to try individual account migrations to see if that is causing any of your issue. Also, be sure that you have ample disk space for the migration to properly complete.

They are the exact steps i've taken. However i can't get my old database to open in the migrate window. I browse for the directory, choose the one that holds the old databse, then click ok, the icon spins for a few seconds and then stops and nothing appears. If i open the same directory on another computer running the same software it comes up with the list of all the users and all their emails and i can migrate them fine. However i end up with them on the wrong machine and can find no way of getting them across to the correct one adequately