Mini iPod praise...


I have issues, OK!
The Mini iPod gets more adoration.

Also, a mention of the lost-but-not-forgotten Connect to Server feature from Jaguar that didn't make the leap to Panther:

Blast from the past: A consistent complaint from Panther users who share files is that Panther's Connect to Server feature (found in the Go menu in the Finder) no longer lets you browse for servers on a local network. A simple AppleScript can solve this.

In your Applications folder's AppleScript, run Script Editor. Paste in the following in a blank new document the following text: open location (choose URL) with error reporting.

Save the Script Editor document on your Desktop. In the Save dialog box, choose Application from the File Format menu and uncheck Startup Screen. When you double-click this script, it provides you with a network server browser much like Jaguar's.
Thanks a million Octane, was looking for a simple answer to this....

..but don't forget not to include the full-stop (thats Period to you Americans) after "reporting".
Not American, fella. Quite, quite English.

At least, I was the last time a checked!..