Minimizing classic apps


Senior Lurker
Two questions:

Is there any way to easily hide or minimize classic apps? Is there a little app that I can add that will let me do that?

Does anyone know of a way for me to replace the stupid OS 9 menu bar that pops up when I have a classic app selected? Or at least make it more OS X like?
They way I do it is command(apple) + H or click on the desktop with that app in the front.

As for the menu bar, I can't help you.
Oddly enough, the "stupid OS9 menubar" ;) should offer a way to hide classic apps:

The OS9 "application menu" (parked at the right side, near the clock) should have the hide/show options.
Originally posted by Cheryl
They way I do it is command(apple) + H or click on the desktop with that app in the front.

CMD+H doesn't work for me. Are you sure this works for Classic apps?

Brian, yes, I'd forgotten that was there. Thanks! (Though really I'd like a key sequence if possible, or ideally a consistant interface for classic & X apps)
In OS 9 as well as X to minimize any app that you are currently, click a bare patch of desktop while holding the option key and your program or window that you are currently in will minimize.
