minimum specs for x11?


does anyone have any experience with performance of x11 and openoffice on an older ibook. I have a 300mHz clamshell with 288 megs of RAM and a challenged HD - 3 giga. I am running 10.2.3 and am mostly happy (just wish I had the clams for new machine :D )

is x11 going to work smoothly or will it chug along?

ok, so how about this - how much real estate do the two programs together take up - x11 and openoffice?
i think you're getting out of your league with the HD space issue. i cleared almost 3 GB for the installation and am now back to around 1 and 1/2 gigs left. the problem will arise while you need both the installing copy and the installed version on at the same time. i doubt there is any way you could manage it without at least 1 to 1 and 1/2 gigs free.