Minium Requirements to upgrade from 9.2 to What?


Hello, I am newly graduated computer technician, (votech), and not ONE word was taught to us about mac! I have inherited 9 (blueberry) imac's with 9.2 os, and 333mhz. I want to give one to all 7 of my grandkids. My question is what would be the latest operating system I could upgrade these machines to? 10.2---10x???? Sure stinks to feel this ignorant and still have a certificate that says I 'has arrived'!!!
Thanks for your help
The latest supported version for those Macs is 10.3.9 (Panther).

However, for any version of OS X to be usable, you would probably need to upgrade them. Those models only came with 32MB of RAM, which wouldn't even boot OS X. OS X needs at least 128MB, and the "practical minimum" is 256. They have two RAM slots, so you'd want to install an additional 256MB for a total of 288. You might even want to max it out to 512MB.

Crucial sells 256MB chips for that system for $64. That'd be a bit pricey for 7 machines.

Also, those systems shipped with very small HDs — just 4-6 GB. That might technically be enough to run OS X (I'm not sure), but it'd be reeeally tight. Even 10GB would be pushing it.
Make sure also that you have 9.2.2 (not just 9.2) installed as that works best with OS X and becomes "Classic" when run simultaneously with OS X.
WOW, I truly thank you all for your help!
I haven't cracked any of these blueberries open yet, but I am sure they need bigger hard drives, and more RAM....
It might be cost effective to upgrade to more ram, and a refurbished hard drive. I have several HD's I have salvaged. I will go to apple and run the serials to find the ram type. I don't have to be in too big a hurry, the baby is only 3 months old, and the grandkids stairstep up to the 12 yr. old. "APPLE" of my eye....;)
I will probably be here whining again before I learn enough about the mac's to be of any use!
I truly appreciate the time you graciously shared with me, and the solutions to my problems!

Title sort of says it all. If you try to install OS X without upgrading the firmware you WILL fry the computer. Permanently. I've done it twice, once to a Blueberry and once to a graphite (iMac DV). Kind of sucks.
Again, thank you so much, like an idiot, I might have forgotten this vital step. I need a mac for dummies book!!