missing commands and other disasters


hi, i've got sort of a situation here that i cant find a solution to anywhere else, and i've found this forum to be helpful, so here goes:

my darwin is missing commands! meaning some commands which are generally regarded as "basic" don't exist in my /bin directory, and so i get the message "command not found". theres no man, less, who, grep, su to name a few. now, i'm relatively new to unix, but not to computers, and i'm not a total moron. its just rather frustrating to read a tutorial or something that says "oh, just type in this basic command, blah blah blah, that works on all unix systems" only to find it doesn't work on mine!

another thing, i successfully installed fink (trying to install X windows), but then it doesn't download. it says theres no download program, like curl or wget. however, curl is supposedly included in os x, and then i went out and additionally installed wget, but still doesn't work. curl for some reason cant be found, but wget works from the command line. fink for some reason just cant find it.

i also made sure to install the development tools cd. pico and pine are supposedly included as well, but i had to go out and find and install them, too. what is wrong with my os? why is so much stuff missing? where can i find whats missing and put it into my system? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks