mixer sequencer


official breaker of macs.
i need a mixer sequencer. i've got live recordings of guitars, vocals, and an exported drum loop made in reason and i need to put it all together.
i'd use reason, but it really wasn't built to do that sort of stuff (using live recordings). pro tools looks great but it's got an enormous price tag AND you've got to own some of their hardware to boot. ick.
is there a reasonable alternative to what i'm looking for?

You want Ableton Live!
Or the lite version: Remix, which you can find on steinberg.net
Pro Tools 5 has a FREE version which is reasonably powerful: built for people like you with only little, basic mix needs. I can only recommend it to you, as I've been using it myself in many occasions and was always satisfied by the result.
protools has a free version? wow. i'll have to check it out.
as for live... SWEET!!! it is amazing! i love the drag/drop effects and the audio line and all that fun stuff. thankyas lonny!
any idea how to export as anything in Live? aif, wav, mp3, anything will do.