Mobile phone compatibility



Di you know of any way I can get iTunes to recognise my Sony Ericsson K750i as an extrenal device which I can export playlists to? Finder sees it ok, but if I try to copy individual m4a files across that way, they fail (or the phone will play 1 track at a time, but fail when trying to move onto the next).

The phone came with a CD including drivers for MP3 players, but guess what... PC only. grrrrrrr!

Thanks very much for your help...

Cornwall, UK.
Hi Steve and welcome to this forum.

Since when Itunes is compatible with sony ericsson mobile phones ?

AFAIK only Motorola so far embed iTunes. I'm not an expert but I can suggest to use the search feature of this forum you might find and answer to your situation.

Enjoy your stay
Convert the m4a files to MP3. I've got no problems with MP3s on my Z520i. You can - for the phone, anyway - cut down in quality a bit, too. Makes smaller files.