Modded iMac

hehe! What do you think, are you ready to attack your iMac?!







What do you think? :D

now that truely looks like my desklamp... the base is almost exactly the same! it's black and circular and all like that..

plus it looks like ****... if they would have used a nice dark red or blue and put a glossy coat over it, i wouldn't complain :D
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
and where did you get those photos?!?

a Friend of mine posted them on another Forum! i thought i had to share them with you guys! :D

... i await the XP Luna inspired Green and Blue iMacs!! :D

I like it much better than the original white, but then again, I'm only wearing black until they come out with something darker. :p
why would someone do something like this to such a great machine? it is perfectly fine the way it is, and that pix is ugly
The basic idea could work, that paint just ****s. That's Dell patented "crapBlack" technology. It's the only original thing Dell has done.

If you got a GOOD black, that might work. Although, I still prefer white, thank u very much! :)
A Candy Coated Glossy "Fire Red" or "Blood Red" and some variation of Blue and Gray (sorta like graphite) would be freaky awesome choices for case colors... if Apple would ever bring that back...

and if apple does do that, stay the hell away from Lime and Tangerine!
imo coloring computers different colors is a thing of the past. Apple's new colors (white, and...err...white) are pretty cool. Apple should get a trademark texture (Metallic Black and Lightning Yellow, anyone?) that is put on all the computers

(Eventually, I think the entire case of the computer should be a display that can have a color or pattern or picture programmed)
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
... i await the XP Luna inspired Green and Blue iMacs!! :D

I never thought that I would see the day when both the words Luna and inspired would appear within the same sentence.

:rolleyes: Not that they actually fit together any better now that it has happen. :D
Originally posted by RacerX

I never thought that I would see the day when both the words Luna and inspired would appear within the same sentence.

:rolleyes: Not that they actually fit together any better now that it has happen. :D

LOL!! :rolleyes:

Originally posted by hazmat
Looks like the iMac has turned to the Dark Side. :)

Shhhhhhhhhh..... paaaaahhhh..... shhhhhhhhh.... pahhhhhh..... shhhhhhh.... paaaaahhhhh.... "Dell.... I am your father...."
He seem to have painted the inside of the casing. Or do you think the decals for ports were re-applied? (and Apple cleaned?)

Well, maybe they were :)
Yeah, I think they'd have to have been done from the inside. That's why he took off the outer shell in the first picture.
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
hehe! What do you think, are you ready to attack your iMac?!


What do you think?
It seems like the sentiment here is mostly agains this effort...

... but I like the idea of there being multiple colors. (Black does not really count as a color) Also I like the idea of people customizing their Mac's.

I predict we'll see more of this... (How about an iBook?)
