

I am rather unsatisfied with my imac being this huge crt monitor, I have a desk with an LCD and I wanted to hook up the iMac to it and my other computer. If I had a (USB to VGA) cable, then took a vga cable and plugged it into the box, and then the other end of the vga into a KVM switch, would that work?

so in the end, I would have a usb to vga from the imac into a kvm switch, then a vga from my windows box, and then one monitor and one keyboard.
I don't believe that OS X supports USB-VGA adapters. If your iMac is a newer model, it will have a VGA port in the back, under a removable grate type thing. This display will then be mirrored, unless you install a hack to enable dual-screening (which could damage your mac). See this for more info:

If you don't have a VGA port, and really want that LCD, a PowerMac G4 would be your best option, at under $100. The Mac Mini would work as well, if you want to upgrade to something faster.