Monkey Business Report


Scratch & Sniff Committee
Here's my report for the moment:

Visited slashdot and a few of the Linux sites to see their take on the world of Macs. I was pleased to see lots of reports saying that the two communities are closer than ever as Linux developers now have another platform to work with. There were plenty of unix developers at MacWorld, and they all seemed pretty pleased.
The Linux crowd have decided, though, that we need an animal mascot to keep Tux the Linux penguin company in the geek T-shirt drawer. They have come up with, wait for it - an OX!
Now, I think we could do better than that, though Ox does kind of fit with OS-X. Now would be a good time for us to come up with our own mascot. Since we're more-or-less a centre of the Mac community, this would be a good place to put out the call. Get out your crayons, kids!

Also, I found a command in there that calls up kernel information. I have, predictably, lost the command already. But it did tell me my iBook 500 is listed as "PowerBook 4.1" in the kernel.

And, I visited a PC swap meet and watched lots of people lining up to save money by buying cut-price processors, motherboards, cases, USB cards, network cards, firewire cards, video cards. Then, of course, the need for more cheap components.
I find it hard to believe that PCs are really any cheaper, no matter what anybody says. Certainly, in the long run, you end up spending a good deal more than the ticket price.