Moth Vs Teatowel Warriors


R.I.P bobw
This is an epic. Check this out:


Two tea towels
Two Guys with nothing
An aggressive moth

It's pretty obvious who won the epic battle
Start Time: About 11:09pm
Death Time: 11:36pm

We found the moth's secret location (up against a wooden beam) and scared it away revealing one of many secret locations. One of the heroic heroes striked the now very annoyed moth in between some plates hanging up in a rack. This was where the moth suffered a painful and slow death in it's lair. We celebrated with beer and nuts. Ze end.


Teatowel protects Thats A FACT
© Copyright CJ MAC OSX IPOD, dont steal this or I will hit you with a teatowel
// Moth Thread Sub-System
// (C) 2006 CJ Systems
// Translation key follows

Liar == Lair
Saddo's == Some kind of booze
Celebrated == Took photos, then posted a thread about it.
Nuts == Went Nuts
Awww, I was rooting for the moth, they are good little chaps, as long as they don't get on your clothes cupboard.
bbloke, he's in the UK, weren't you drinking at 14? I certainly was, albeit rarely in pubs/bars.
Tsk, tsk, ora. You're setting a bad example! :p

Of course I was not doing such things, I was terribly well behaved. ::angel::
:D Of course you were, and off course, i may have had a bottle of beer at 14, but i didn't inhale!
Underaged people, if you want alcohol come to Portugal, the land where Sopas de Cavalo Cansado are given to 6 year old children! :D

Sopas de Cavalo Cansado: literaly, Tired Horse Soups, a mixture of bad red wine and old bread, given to children as fortifier, genereally in poor environments.
All that high quality port to drink. LOL! FYI, I'm 33.
BTW, we have some pretty amazing microbreweries here in the states.